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Description of Lessons
Private Lessons:

Private Lessons consist of one-on-one time with the teacher and the student at the piano. Weekly assignments are given to be practiced and completed several times at home during the week. The majority of lessons are considered private lessons. Parents are always welcome to quietly sit in on lessons to observe and take notes. This may be very helpful to both the parent and the student as an aid for practice at home. However, in some cases, the student benefits more and behaves better with the parent not present, Please note that it is nothing personal, but rather has to do more with the student's learning style and confidence. Parents should still be present to help make sure assignments are completed at home throughout the week.

Group Lessons:

Group Lessons are offered three times a year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Groups are compiled of 2-8 students of similar ages and abilities . Lesson times are scheduled at a different time and possibly a different day than private lessons. Parents, please make every effort to have you child attend. The focus of group lessons is to do activities that are beneficial in group settings. Examples of group activities might include rhythmic dictation, note recognition and music history. Each student is required to perform a piece that they are currently working on to practice performing in front of an audience. The Group Lessons Schedule is mailed about 2 weeks before Group Lesson Week. There are no scheduled private lessons during these weeks, unless a student is scheduled to have a make-up lesson.

Duet Lessons:

Duet lessons are offered for students who are interested in learning how to play with someone else at the piano or with another instrumentalist. Each student is paired up with a duet partner and he/she shares the lesson time. Lessons are scheduled based upon availability and are separate from private lessons.

Theory Lessons:

Private theory lessons are scheduled at the discretion of the teacher during the student's regular private lesson time. During these lessons, students will concentrate on music theory only, spending time on composing, sight-reading, sight-singing and learning about accompaniment, chord cadences and harmony. Rise Music Studio follows the MMTA Curriculum for learning music theory. Students are expected to keep practicing their lessons assignments at home during these weeks.

Technology Assignments:

It is beneficial to work on concepts away from the piano as well as at the piano to enhance learning. There are several websites and apps that utilize the computer and IOS devices while learning the piano. Students are encouraged each week at least one of the sites offered through the studio.

Summer Lessons:

A summer session of four lessons is available, but curriculum may vary. Summer sessions may include private lessons, partner lessons or group lessons. This session is at a more relaxed pace, with the option of spending time on pop music, ensemble work, music history, and/or theory. Scheduling is done during June/July based on the students' schedules. Tuition is billed at the beginning of the session for the entire session.

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